In the second Witness essay on digital life for BLEED 2020, highly-online writer Asher Wolf …
Asher Wolf

Asher Wolf
Asher Wolf is a data rights activist whose work focuses on the intersection of technology and human rights. In 2012, they founded Cryptoparty, a decentralised, privacy-focused movement. Wolf was a lead organiser on the campaign against the automation of debt recovery by Australian government program Centrelink, which led to welfare recipients paying miscalculated debts because of errors in the system. The process, known as “robodebts,” was recently found to be unlawful via a High Court case, and a class action is pending. A radically thriving sole parent, Wolf is a feral chaos-magnet who occasionally howls at the moon and revels in making architects of oppressive systems uncomfortable. Asher is also a recipient of an Amnesty Human Rights Media Award.