Sarah McNeill commented on the post, The Rush trial: A backgrounder 6 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for reminding everyone that it is the newspaper’s inappropriate reporting that is on trial here, not a woman’s, or a man’s personal definition of what’s appropriate. A newspaper ran a story without evidence or confirmation from those involved. As in subsequent cases where politicians have taken the lead, media needs to be reminded that the…[Read more]
Sarah McNeill commented on the post, Fury: A lot of white noise 6 years, 5 months ago
I’m in Perth so haven’t seen the production but given Alison’s long essay about theatre criticism and how it often resorts to “commentary that’s all about spectacle at the expense of substance”, I am disappointed to read such disparaging and dismissive comments like “classic patriarchal heteronormative form”. Its pomposity aside, theatre should s…[Read more]