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Sites We Like

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Australia and New Zealand


A Cunning Blog
Harriet Cunningham’s review blog

Cassie Tongue
Cassie Tongue’s review blog, mostly Sydney

Keith Gow
Keith Gow’s review blog, mostly Melbourne

Deborah Jones’s review blog, mostly Sydney

Daniel Keene
Essays by playwright Daniel Keene

Sometimes Melbourne
Anne-Marie Peard’s review blog, mostly Melbourne

Stage Noise
Diane Simmonds’ review site, Sydney

The Melbourne Critique
Curated site of the progressive and unique


News and reviews

Australian Arts Review
News and reviews

Audrey Journal
Sydney theatre reviews, news and features

Dancehouse Diary
Dance discourse and dialogue

Handspan Theatre
History of Handspan Theatre

Imagined Theatres Australia
Speculative essays on theatre and performance

Overland Literary Journal
Progressive culture since 1954

Covering WA arts

Stage Whispers
News, reviews, community

Theatre Press
Melbourne reviews

The Pantograph Punch
Independent New Zealand arts site

The Monthly
Australian politics, news and culture

The Music
News and reviews



Darker Neon
Theatre criticism for the coming insurrection, UK

Holger Syme’s theatre blog, Canada and Europe

George Hunka
George Hunka’s blog, theatre and arts, US

Postcards from the Gods
Andrew Haydon’s theatre blog, UK and Europe

Spilled Ink
Dan Rabellato’s blog, UK

Synonyms for Churlish
Megan Vaughan’s theatre blog, UK


Critical thought about experimental performance, US

Chris Goode & Company
Top essays and podcasts, UK

Exeunt Magazine
Theatre reviews and essays, UK

Theatre commons by and for people who make performance, US

Performance Paradigm
A journal of performance and contemporary culture

The Theatre Times
News and reviews from 75 countries

Guardian Stage
News and reviews


Theatre Notes
Alison Croggon’s blog, reviews and essays, mostly Melbourne 2004-2012

Guerilla Semiotics
Jana Perkovic’s blog, reviews and essays, 2007-2017

Noplain Jane
Jane Howard’s blog, reviews and essays, mostly Adelaide, 2010-2015

Thompson’s Bank of Communicable Desire
Chris Goode’s brilliant blog, UK, 2006-2014

Critical comment on national and international contemporary arts, 1994-2017


Feel free to let us know of any sites we’ve missed

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